5579. pseudos
Strong's Concordance
pseudos: a falsehood, untruth, lie
Original Word: ψεῦδος, ους, τό
Part of Speech: Noun, Neuter
Transliteration: pseudos
Phonetic Spelling: (psyoo'-dos)
Definition: a falsehood, untruth, lie
Usage: a lie, falsehood, untruth; false religion.
NAS Exhaustive Concordance
Word Origin
from pseudomai
a falsehood, untruth, lie
NASB Translation
false (1), falsehood (1), lie (5), lying (2), what is false (1).

Thayer's Greek Lexicon
STRONGS NT 5579: ψεῦδος

ψεῦδος, ψευδοῦς, τό, from Homer down, the Sept. for כָּזָב שֶׁקֶר, כַּחַשׁ, a lie; conscious and intentional falsehood: universally, Revelation 14:5 (where Rec. δόλος); opposed to ἀλήθεια, John 8:44; Ephesians 4:25; οὐκ ἐστι ψεῦδος, opposed to ἀληθές ἐστιν, is no lie, 1 John 2:27; τέρατα ψευδοῦς (A. V. lying wonders) exhibited for the treacherous purpose of deceiving men, 2 Thessalonians 2:9; in a broad sense, whatever is not what it professes to be: so of perverse, impious, deceitful precepts, 2 Thessalonians 2:11; 1 John 2:21; of idolatry, Romans 1:25; ποιεῖν ψεῦδος, to act in accordance with the precepts and principles of idolatry, Revelation 21:27; Revelation 22:15 (cf. Revelation 21:8 and p. 526b middle).

Strong's Exhaustive Concordance
lie, lying.

From pseudomai; a falsehood -- lie, lying.

see GREEK pseudomai

Forms and Transliterations
ψευδει ψεύδει ψευδέσι ψεύδεσι ψεύδεσιν ψευδή ψευδος ψεύδος ψεύδός ψεῦδος ψευδους ψεύδους ψευδώς pseudei pseúdei pseudos pseûdos pseudous pseúdous
Interlinear GreekInterlinear HebrewStrong's NumbersEnglishman's Greek ConcordanceEnglishman's Hebrew ConcordanceParallel Texts
Englishman's Concordance
John 8:44 N-ANS
GRK: λαλῇ τὸ ψεῦδος ἐκ τῶν
NAS: he speaks a lie, he speaks
KJV: When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of
INT: he might speak falsehood from the

Romans 1:25 N-DNS
GRK: ἐν τῷ ψεύδει καὶ ἐσεβάσθησαν
NAS: of God for a lie, and worshiped
KJV: of God into a lie, and worshipped
INT: into the falsehood and reverenced

Ephesians 4:25 N-ANS
GRK: ἀποθέμενοι τὸ ψεῦδος λαλεῖτε ἀλήθειαν
NAS: laying aside falsehood, SPEAK
KJV: putting away lying, speak
INT: having put off falsehood speak truth

2 Thessalonians 2:9 N-GNS
GRK: καὶ τέρασιν ψεύδους
NAS: power and signs and FALSE wonders,
KJV: signs and lying wonders,
INT: and wonders of falsehood

2 Thessalonians 2:11 N-DNS
GRK: αὐτοὺς τῷ ψεύδει
NAS: that they will believe what is FALSE,
KJV: they should believe a lie:
INT: them what [is] false

1 John 2:21 N-NNS
GRK: ὅτι πᾶν ψεῦδος ἐκ τῆς
NAS: no lie is of the truth.
KJV: that no lie is of
INT: that any lie of the

1 John 2:27 N-NNS
GRK: οὐκ ἔστιν ψεῦδος καὶ καθὼς
NAS: and is true and is not a lie, and just
KJV: is no lie, and even as
INT: not is a lie and even as

Revelation 14:5 N-NNS
GRK: οὐχ εὑρέθη ψεῦδος ἄμωμοί εἰσιν
NAS: And no lie was found in their mouth;
INT: not was found a lie blameless they are

Revelation 21:27 N-ANS
GRK: βδέλυγμα καὶ ψεῦδος εἰ μὴ
NAS: abomination and lying, shall ever
KJV: or [maketh] a lie: but
INT: abomination and a lie if not

Revelation 22:15 N-ANS
GRK: καὶ ποιῶν ψεῦδος
NAS: who loves and practices lying.
KJV: and maketh a lie.
INT: and practices a lie

Strong's Greek 5579
10 Occurrences

ψεύδει — 2 Occ.
ψεῦδος — 7 Occ.
ψεύδους — 1 Occ.

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